After I update My BackTrack 5 R3 using apt-get update and apt-get upgrade , there is an issue with Metasploit ( msfconsole and msfupdate can’t run via console / Just blinking cursor ) .
First I just curious in the msf3 directory and I found the msf3 directory in the /opt/metasploit was empty. I try to unzip to create the msf3 directory, and It was successfully then I run msfconsole again. But after I run msfconsole the issue was not solved yet as well as with the msfupdate 🙁 .
Then I just remember that the Metasploit will allow user to update the metasploit from git protocol. OK then I’m reading the manual of Metasploit’s github. And Finally the issue was solved by following the two steps below :
- cd /opt/metasploit
- git clone msf3
After the git clone process finished, try to run msfconsole again.
Now I’m able to run msfconsole and msfupdate :
- msfconsole
- msfupdate
I hope this is useful for you 🙂 & I’d like say thanks to esmnemon in
2 replies on “Solving msfconsole & msfupdate issue after update metasploit to 4.5.0”
Sudah terlalu lama sejak Neotek tidak lagi terbit.
Saya sangat kagum bahwa hari ini, saya melihat ada posting di web ini, posting pada bulan Maret tahun ini. Neotek mungkin sudah berhenti, tapi Neoteker tidak pernah bisa dihentikan. Saya terharu sekali.
Mungkin Neotek mati, tapi semangatnya masih di sini. Sangat menakjubkan, bahkan isi web ini masih sangat kental security awareness-nya (saya tahu istilah ini dari Neotek). Sangat mengagumkan.
Layaklah saya masih menganggap Neotek majalah komputer terbaik di Indonesia, mengungguli semuanya, meskipun Neotek telah tiada. Tiadakah keinginan Neoteker untuk menghidupkan lagi Neotek, Kang? Tidak versi cetak, tapi versi digital. Saya mau jadi pengunduh pertama.
Terima kasih banyak.
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